Launch Manual

Comprehensive Tooling with Startup Starter Kits (SSK)

Welcome to the Startup Starter Kits (SSK) Launch Manual, designed to help you set up all the tools you need to launch successfully and easily, without sacrificing performance or scalability. This manual will walk you through the setup of essential tools, integrations, and components, enabling you to build your product efficiently while maintaining a robust, scalable foundation.

What's Inside the Launch Manual?

  • Quick Setup: Get your project up and running in minutes with easy-to-follow instructions on cloning repositories and installing dependencies.

  • Automated Workflows: Learn how to use the start-now command, a custom generator that helps you quickly start a new project. It automatically sets up key pages, including a landing page, 404 page, error page, and more, giving you a solid foundation from the beginning.

  • Frontend & Backend Setup: Integrate UI components, form handling, reCAPTCHA, and more with pre-built, customizable configurations.

  • Deployment Made Simple: Follow deployment guides for platforms like Vercel, ensuring your project is ready for production with minimal effort.

  • SEO & Metadata: Configure SEO and Open Graph metadata templates for enhanced visibility and optimization of your project.

This Launch Manual will help you streamline your development process and scale your project with ease. Jump into the setup process, integrate core functionalities, and deploy to production in just a few steps. Whether you're starting small or building for enterprise-scale, SSK has you covered.

Last updated