Configuring the Webhook Endpoint

Chapter 2: Implementing Lemon Squeezy Webhook in Your Application

Step 4 - Configure the Webhook Endpoint

The Lemon Squeezy webhook endpoint processes events such as new orders, verifies their authenticity, and stores them in the database. This section will guide you through creating and configuring this endpoint in your application.

1. Set Up API Route

Create an API route, for example, /api/webhook, to handle incoming webhook events from Lemon Squeezy. Ensure that this route is secure and configured correctly to handle Lemon Squeezy events.

2. Webhook Handler Overview

Your webhook handler should:

  • Process Incoming Requests: It verifies the Lemon Squeezy signature, ensuring the event’s authenticity and security.

  • Signature Verification: Use the LEMONSQUEEZY_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable to generate an HMAC digest. Compare it with the incoming request signature using a timing-safe method for secure validation.

  • Order Data Handling: When an order_created event is received, the handler can securely extract and save order details in your database.

Additional Notes

  • Feature Flag Configuration: Ensure Lemon Squeezy is enabled in your .env file with FF_LEMON="true". This helps toggle the payment provider without modifying the core code, allowing flexibility across environments.

  • Security: Signature verification is essential to ensure that only authentic requests from Lemon Squeezy are processed.

  • Database Integration: Configure your handler to store specific details from each order event, including product name, amount, and user information.

For additional information on Lemon Squeezy’s webhook specifications, refer to their official documentation.

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