Privacy Policy Template

This guide explains how to set up and use the Privacy Policy template in your SSK project. The Privacy Policy page includes dynamic content such as company name, email, and other environment variables for easy configuration.

Steps to Use the Template

1. Create a Privacy Policy Page

First, create a directory for your Privacy Policy page under the apps/<app-name> folder:


Inside this file, copy the PrivacyPolicy component code provided. This template dynamically pulls information from environment variables, such as the company name, product name, and contact email.

2. Set Environment Variables

Make sure to set the required environment variables in your .env file:


These environment variables will be used in the Privacy Policy template for personalization, such as in the company name, contact email, and website.

3. Define Metadata for the Privacy Policy Page

The Privacy Policy template allows you to define custom metadata for the page. This metadata can be used for SEO and Open Graph purposes.

In the page.tsx file, define the metadata object:

export const metadata: Metadata = PrivacyPolicy.metadata

This ensures the correct usage without unnecessary redefinition of metadata.

4. Customize the Content

The Privacy Policy template includes sections for legal terms like Information We Collect, How We Use Your Information, Sharing Your Information, etc. You can modify or add additional sections as needed to suit your business requirements.

5. Render the Privacy Policy Page

Finally, you can render the Privacy Policy page in your application’s routing configuration. The file located at apps//privacy-policy/page.tsx will automatically be picked up by Next.js as a route.

import React from 'react'

import { type Metadata } from 'next'

import Page from '@core/ui/Page'
import PrivacyPolicy from '@core/ui/PrivacyPolicy'

export const metadata: Metadata = PrivacyPolicy.metadata

export default function PrivacyPolicyPage() {
  return (
      <PrivacyPolicy />

With this guide, you can easily create a professional Privacy Policy page in your project, complete with SEO optimizations and dynamic content.

Last updated